What I Learned on Vacation – Weekly Inspirational Video

I recently went on vacation to a beautiful, Caribbean island with my husband, and enjoyed a week full of fun, relaxation, and delicious cuisine. During this week-long vacation, I didn’t send any e-mails, or make any blog, Facebook, or Twitter updates. I was basically off the radar for an entire week, and it was pretty awesome!

This break allowed me to get clarity on many things in my life, and it really inspired me and motivated me in so many ways. So much so, that I decided to begin doing a weekly inspirational video to share those things that inspire me, and that I have learned, and hopefully inspire you as well. I’m all about sharing positive energy with others, because it is contagious!

Check out the video below, and let me know what you think. Feel free to share what inspires you, and if you’ve had a moment in your life where you experienced some serious clarity, I’d love to hear all about it. Post your comment below, and don’t forget to Tweet it, and share this post on Facebook too. Thanks so much!

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