The Top 25 Mistakes That Dance Studio Owners Make On Social Media, Plus 1 Obvious, But Overlooked Marketing Tool




The Top 25 Mistakes That Dance Studio Owners Make On Social Media, Plus 1 Obvious, But Overlooked Marketing Tool



When it comes to social media marketing for your dance studio, ignorance is not bliss! But hey, you don’t know, what you don’t know. Here’s a quick list of typical mistakes that I see many dance studio owners making that can prevent you from getting the results you want, when marketing your studio on social media.


1. Not building your e-mail subscriber list.

2. Posting too few times per day.

3. Being Way too promotional. Your events, your classes, your teachers, your performances. Can you say, me, me, me?

4. Posting too many links.

5. Being unaware of what really resonates with your audience.

6. Not trying something new or unique.

7. Not allowing your overall mission to guide your social media updates.

8. Having an inactive Youtube channel.

9. Having a website that is outdated and not optimized for social media sharing or connecting.

10. Not asking questions.

11. Not having a sense of humor.

12. Not maximizing your Facebook cover photo.

13. Not being consistent.

14. Not creating & using a unique hashtag for your brand.

15. Focusing too much on getting more fans and followers, vs. increasing engagement and building trust and relationships online.

16. Not having a blog, with expert content that is helpful to your target audience, and updating it regularly.

17. Not posting enough engaging updates that will spark a conversation.

18. Not using Twitter or Instagram consistently.

19. Not having an actual, comprehensive social media strategy, that aligns with your financial and marketing goals.

20. Only posting about events & classes at your dance studio.

21. Not engaging your fans and followers, and taking the time to build relationships with them.

22. Only using social media to promote your brand & make announcements, instead of as a way to inspire, educate, and connect with people in a genuine way.

23. Not sharing your personal story on social media. Why did you become a dance studio owner? We’d love to hear your story!

24. Not investing in a social media strategy.

25. Not having FUN with it!!! It’s fun to be social! 


1 Obvious, But Overlooked Marketing Tool



Use social media as a customer service tool! 


Most people use social media from their mobile phones. Many times, it’s easier to post a quick question on your Facebook fan page, or Twitter profile, rather than navigate through your website to find an answer. Why not just call your studio? Depending on where someone’s at, or what they’re doing, making a phone call may not be the most convenient or preferred method of communication at that time.


Don’t miss out on this opportunity to show your fans and followers that you are listening to them, and that you are readily available to answer their questions, and provide high-quality customer service to them through your social media profiles.


So many dance studios miss out on this opportunity because they are not checking their accounts consistently enough, and/or not replying to their inquiries in a timely manner. This is a HUGE mistake!


If you have social media profiles for your dance studio, people expect to be able to post a question to you, and receive an answer on that platform from you, within a reasonable time frame. Don’t disappoint them. It’s poor communication issues like this one that cause someone to switch over to the studio down the road from you. 


There is no substitute for excellent communication and customer service. Anything less than your best is simply useless. 


Do you have questions about how to properly promote your dance studio on social media? Post your question below. I’m always happy to help you!

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