You’re Not Perfect? Why That’s A GOOD Thing
| |Imagine what would happen if you waited until you had perfect technique before you went to a dance audition. What about if you waited until you were a perfect dancer, before you started teaching dance classes? What if you waited until you had perfect turns and perfect extension before you ever did a dance performance? Where would you be today?
This probably sounds quite silly to you right now, as this is not how we as dancers operate. We learn as we go, and we learn through experience, and that’s how we get better. We get better, we improve, we grow, by learning and doing, not learning and waiting, or learning and watching.
But for some reason this concept of learning and doing, and learning by doing, gets left behind when it comes to other areas of our lives. Believe it or not, there are still those of you who say,
“I’ve wanted to try _______, but I don’t know what I’m doing, and I’m just not good at it.”
Well how are you ever going to get good at “it”, if you don’t learn and do, and learn by doing?
Let’s be honest, we all have areas within our personal lives and our careers where we’re slacking a bit. But we know that it’s time for us to start doing better, and start taking responsibility for our future, for our destiny, and for our life’s purpose. The only way to do this, is to commit to learning more, and doing more, then taking what we’ve learned, and helping someone else do the same.
There’s no need to wait until your circumstances are perfect, until you’re perfect, or have it all together to start building your dream. There are many people that you can help from right where you are today. Our own insecurities can hold us back in significant ways, and prevent us from reaching our full potential.
You don’t need to wait until you have 50,000 fans on Facebook, 100,000 Twitter followers, or are a millionaire to help somebody. These numbers do not define your worth or value.
I remember so many times when I felt like, “Who am I to do or say this? Look at my situation, I’m not perfect”. But who says that you need to be perfect to be helpful, or that you have to have it all together before you can help someone else improve their life or situation? It’s simply not true. It’s really just an excuse for you to not put yourself out there, take a risk, and take a chance. Remember, no one’s perfect. Even the most successful people in the world have struggles, and make mistakes on a daily basis. You’re no different. You can help someone improve their life today. You know something that someone else doesn’t know, and is searching for help and guidance in.
The best part is that, when you learn as you go, you’re able to teach others who may have started out exactly where you did. You don’t have to know it all. Just teach and share what you know, and continue to learn, grow, and challenge yourself along the way. Don’t get stuck in a rut.
Knowledge is the new money. ~ Fred Ajamagra
What can you teach someone today? How can you help someone improve their life today? How can you help someone grow and reach their full potential today?
Because of technology and social media, there are a number of different ways for you to share your message, your voice, and your value with others online. Here are a few basic ideas for you to start with:
1. Blogging is a really effective and popular way to help others, and provide them with valuable tips and information on a regular basis. Two of my favorite dance blogs that do this, in a very unique and niche-specific way are, Dance Advantage and Maria’s Movers. Nichelle and Maria each have such an awesome perspective and understanding of the topics they write about, based on their own personal experiences and knowledge. They give of themselves freely, and in return are able to help many other dance teachers, parents, and dance students grow and improve.
2. Videos are definitely one of the best and most popular ways to do this, as it creates more of a personal connection with you and your viewers. You can post them on sites like Youtube and Vimeo, where there is already an audience of millions for you to tap into, or post them exclusively on your website or blog.
3. Podcasts are awesome as well, as you can create them from your own home, and post them on your website, blog, and on iTunes, among other platforms. It’s a convenient way to share your message, and also, for people to listen to your message, because they can listen to it in the car, or at home, while doing other things.
4. E-books are another great way to get your value into the hands of your target audience, as they are very easy to create and publish online (and on sites like, once you have some great, useful content to put into it.
5. Tweetchats are also fun and easy to do on Twitter, once you’ve connected with a good number of people, and have followers that you regularly interact with. You can have guests on your Tweetchat who are experts in different fields of interest to your target audience, or just lead discussions around various topics. It’s all about sharing what you know, letting your voice be heard, and helping to serve and improve the lives of others.
Today I want you to think about how many more ways you can be sharing your voice, your message, and your value with the world around you, and with your target audience. If there are things that I listed above that you’re not doing, have never done, but sound interesting to you, why not try it?
Remember: Learn, Then Do, and Learn By Doing. That’s the way we’ve always learned, and that’s how we will continue to learn so that we can help teach others to learn, and do the same.
What can you learn and do today, that will enhance and grow the scope of your brand? Take a risk. Do it today!
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