A Crazy Idea in Social Media for Dance Studios

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For Day 31 in our 90-Day Social Media Success Challenge for Dance Studios, I’d like to just reflect a bit on the purpose of this challenge.

I started this challenge as a way to begin addressing the questions of and the needs of dance studio owners all over the world, as it relates to the best use of social media marketing to promote your dance studio. Along the way, I’ve actually faced a lot of opposition as people told me that dance studio owners are not interested in learning about how to use social media to promote their dance studio. There are people who think that I’m a little crazy for doing this, especially for this niche industry. But I beg to differ. Many of you have read the articles that I’ve written on this blog over the past month, not to mention the thousands of hits to these articles from other dance-related blogs. Additionally, many of you have already signed up for Kiner Dance Studio Success, the 1st online social media success center for dance studios, that I created especially for you.

As I reflect on the past 30 days, I still feel just as motivated and excited about offering you these tips today, as I did on Day one. I truly hope that you are finding them useful. If you are, please feel free to share how you’ve been able to use them to promote your own dance studio, or find inspiration to get involved in social media for your dance studio in a new way.

This challenge hasn’t only been a challenge for you to get more involved in social media for your dance studio, but for me as well. I have been challenged everyday to offer you valuable tips and tools for creating social media success, and have been learning a lot along the way myself. I think that that is one of the most important things to keep in mind when it comes to getting involved in social media. The first step, and sometimes the hardest step is, simply getting started by letting go of all of your fears about not doing it right, and just going for it. When it comes to social media, there’s a lot of learning that happens along the way, and it’s best to learn from experience. That’s why I’m happy to share my experience with you. I do suggest that you continue to read blogs like this one, and other useful online resources, to stay current in the ever-changing world of social media.

If you’ve been following the challenge over the past 31 days, or if you’ve just joined in, I’d like for you to go through this social media marketing checklist, and see where you’re at in your social media marketing.

Do you have:

– A Facebook Fan Page?

– A Twitter Page?

– A Youtube page?

– A Blog?

– An E-mail Marketing Campaign?

If you are already utilizing all of these social media tools for your dance studio, you’re on your way to social media success! If you’re not, then get started today.

Watch the video above to learn about why you need these top 5 social media marketing tools, and how to use them effectively.

For more specific strategies and techniques for social media success for your dance studio, go to http://kinerdancestudiosuccess.com, and become a member today.

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