The Top 5 Skills Every Dance Studio Owner Needs for Social Media Success

Day #13 in our 90-Day Social Media Success Challenge for Dance Studios

I completely understand the hesitation of many dance studio owners to delve into the world of social media. Some of you don’t even have a personal Facebook account as of today, and others, who are already involved in social media, feel like you don’t know enough about it to truly make an impact. Lastly, there are those of you, who simply feel like you don’t have the time. Well, as I’ve said before, don’t let fear of the unknown or fear of doing it wrong stop you. Nothing beats a failure but a try, right?

So here are the 5 main skills that you need in order to effectively manage social media marketing for your dance studio:

1) You must be able to read. You’re reading this right now, so…Check!

2) You must be able to write. It would be very difficult to operate a business if you couldn’t write, so…Check!

3) You must be able to hold a conversation. No comment necessary…Check!

4) You must know where to get the right tools and information. Ahh, now it’s getting interesting. But once again, you’re here reading this blog post, so I will say…Check!

5) You must know how to manage your time efficiently. Now this is very important. As a dance studio owner (and possibly a parent, teacher, husband or wife too), your day is already full of activities. So this is not about making time for social media marketing, it’s about rearranging your time a bit. Delegate some of your current, not-so-important tasks, to someone else on your staff, or in your family, that is fully capable. Then, you will have an extra couple of hours or so, to spend on engaging your customers, and your target audience, on your social media pages. So now we can say…Check!

See, I bet you didn’t know that you already embodied the necessary qualities to manage the social media accounts for your dance studio. But you do. So, no excuses. If you need more advice or direction, read through the articles on this blog about social media success for dance studios. Join our 90-Day Social Media Success Challenge for Dance Studios by leaving a comment, or posting a question here. We’re on Facebook and Twitter too:

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