The Two Most Important Aspects of Social Media for Dance Studios

Today, Day #21 in our 90-Day Social Media Success Challenge for Dance Studios, I’d like to share my thoughts with you on the two most important aspects of creating a successful social media campaign for your dance studio.

Consistency and Transparency.

Consistency – It is crucial as you build your dance studio’s social media presence that you send consistent messages across all of your different social media pages. That means, the types of images and messages that you publish, should all be consistent with your dance studio’s brand, on every network. If you currently have 2 or 3 different accounts (which you should), there shouldn’t appear to be 2 or 3 different personalities to your business. It should be consistent across the board. Your social media updates should be consistent as well. Whether you update your accounts 5 times a day or 15 times a day, it’s important to be consistent.

Transparency – This is extremely important when building your brand in social media, and really in running a business in general. You must be honest, clear, and genuine about who you are, who your brand is, and what the mission of your dance studio is. It is imperative that you represent yourself and your brand in the truest way possible. This means that what you’re saying and portraying on your social media outlets, should be consistent. Which means that if someone were to meet you in person, or visit your business, they would feel as though it matches what’s been represented online. It is important that you are not dishonest, and do not embellish any aspect of who you are as an individual or as a business. Being genuine and honest is how you build long-lasting relationships, build trust, and build your fans and followers on social media.

Be consistent, be transparent, represent who you and your business truly are, and you will absolutely be successful in social media for your dance studio.

Stay tuned for my upcoming series, “Social Media for Dance Studios – The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly” where I’ll discuss some of the dangers and challenges that can arise in social media for dance studios.

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