The Ultimate Motivation For Dancers

Photo Credit - Steps on Broadway -

It’s that time of year again. The time when kids go back to school, and life for dance studio owners and dance teachers becomes chaotic again. In a good way of course!

I like to always take a moment before entering a new season to reflect and think about what my goals are for the next 3, 6, or 9 months, and come up with a plan of execution. I take into consideration what didn’t work in the past year, any feedback that I received from my students or colleagues, things I’ve learned recently, and also what my inspiration and motivation is.

Take time  to reflect on your goals, your purpose, and what you’d like to accomplish over the next six to nine months.

Write down:

– Your personal goals.

– Your professional goals.

– What life lessons you’d like your students to walk away with at the end of the year.

– Your weaknesses.

– Your strengths.

– What motivates and inspires you.

Keep these notes in a place that is visible, so that you can check in with yourself at least twice a month. For some extra-added inspiration, here’s a video from Will Smith that has inspired millions of people! Enjoy!

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