The Top 10 Most Valuable Dance Resources on Twitter
| |With the millions of people and businesses on Twitter, it’s easy to get overwhelmed with how to find and follow great, influential people in the dance world. During our 90-Day Social Media Success Challenge, I shared some of my favorite people to follow on Twitter in The Best of Twitter Series. However, I felt that it was necessary to create a top ten list to highlight some dance powerhouses that are an absolute must to follow if you’re on Twitter. Here’s my Top 10 List.
Answers4dancers – Grover Dale had one goal in mind when he launched his site in 1999. Get dancers employed and keep them working. How? Job opportunities and on-the-job know-how.
Dance Advantage – Dance writer/blogger, instructor, giving students, teachers & parents an edge in dance education.
Dance Channel TV – Dance Channel TV is the web’s central source for dance entertainment. Unlike TV, Dance Channel TV broadcasts directly to your computer.
Dance Pulp – DancePulp™ contains exclusive video content that offers an inside perspective on the world of dance.
Dances To Go – They are a collaboration of award winning choreographers and talented performers. Their artistic backgrounds include dance, music, drama, and visual arts.
4Dancers – A blog for dancers, dance teachers and others interested in dance.
4Dance Education – Promoting dance and dance education. Support the art of dance by spreading the word!
Elite Dance – Promoting ballet and dance related digital media with lots of random weirdness mixed in.
Rhee Gold – Publisher Dance Studio Life magazine | Producer
Suzanne Gerety – Editor & Co-Founder, VP of KBDS, writing, publishing, PR, marketing, business development.
Follow these great dance resources today to stay up-to-date with what’s happening in the dance world, and for some great examples of how to use Twitter effectively to promote your dance business.