Don’t you just hate it when you look around and it seems like everyone around you has the perfect life. They’re happily married, their kids are well-behaved, getting
One of the greatest battles that we face everyday, is the battle over our mind. There is a constant fight between negative thoughts, and positive thoughts, thoughts that
There are many inspirational quotes and photos that I come across on Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook, and various social media sites every week. So, each week, I will share
Who doesn’t want to be successful, irresistible, and fearless? I mean, that’s pretty much everybody’s dream. Well, today’s your lucky day! Here are my top 10 ways
After writing about how to overcome guilt as a dancer yesterday, and having three separate conversations with friends/family about the importance of keeping balance in our lives, I
Last night, on our weekly #LetsTalkDance Tweetchat on Twitter, the topic was, Passion and Purpose. We had in-depth discussion about what we believe our life’s purpose is as