What Is The True Definition of Success?
| |This morning I read a fantastic post from Chris Brogan about the true definition of success entitled, “That Sense of Overnight Success”. What a great way to start my day! This article really hit home for me because, as it turns out, Chris and I have the same beliefs about success. Success isn’t all about a huge bank account, expensive cars, and a penthouse apartment on Park Avenue, it’s much deeper than that.
“Success, you see, isn’t a mansion and a yacht. Success is living the life you want and doing the work you’re best at doing with the people you know will help you reach the next level. Success means working on projects that you know will fulfill a deep felt passion within you, and yet, will feed your family. Success is knowing that you’ve built a thriving network of people who all work hard to grow each other’s capabilities. Success means having the means and capability to make better decisions. Success means getting home in time for dinner.” ~ Chris Brogan
Chris is a man after my own heart. As a professional dancer, performing artist, creative person, and altogether free spirit, this is what success means to me. Waking up every morning feeling excited about what I’m going to do that day, and being in control of what that will be, is true success to me. Being able to do what I love, make my own schedule, spend time with my loved ones, and have a solid and prosperous financial life, while pursuing my passion, is success. Living a life that helps others succeed, encourages, inspires, and is a blessing to others, is success to me.
Yesterday I really felt that satisfaction with where my life is at, and where it’s going. I started the day off with a Ballet class at my favorite dance studio, Steps on Broadway. Then, I met with a fellow dancer/dance teacher whom I connected with through social media, named Maria Hanley (the creator of Maria’s Movers). Maria and I talked about her business, our passion for dance, planning a wedding, her upcoming guest appearance on my radio show about the dance biz, and lots of other great things. It was awesome!
After returning home to do some work, my husband and I later attended the Christmas party for Talking Alternative Radio Broadcasting (where my radio show broadcasts from). We met some great people, learned a lot of new things, had great conversation (ate some delicious food), and also made some potential new business contacts. All in all, it was a great Monday.
Now, obviously everyday may not be filled with dancing, and parties (although maybe it should), but it can be filled with people, places, and things that inspire you, motivate you, and represent your values, and personal definition of success.
Take a moment to ask yourself the following questions:
What does true success mean to me?
What am I doing today to create the life that I want?
What small changes can I make in my life right now, to get more in alignment with what I consider to be a successful and fulfilling life?
Once you’ve answered these questions, write down a three-step action plan for what you can do, starting today, to create the life that you want, and get moving. Don’t make excuses. Don’t focus on your obstacles, and what you can’t do. Focus on what you can do, and do that today. Keep taking those small steps, and before you know it, you’ll wake up, and feel in awe of the life that you are living, and will experience what true success really means.