Social Media Etiquette for Dance Studios – Part 4

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Day 80 in our 90-Day Social Media Success Challenge for Dance Studios…

Today’s post is the final post in this 4-part mini-series about proper social media etiquette for dance studios. Check out Rule #4…

Social Media Etiquette Rule #4

Always reply to your page’s comments, @mentions, and RT’s.

Since the whole point of being involved in social media is to engage people and build relationships, replying to your fans’, friends’, and followers’ comments in a timely manner is crucial. This is also how you will begin to grow your fan base, and your followers, over time. A consistent interaction and conversation is what social media is all about. The most successful social media marketing campaigns are successful because of the customer-to-business engagement online.

On your Facebook fan page,  the default setting will provide you three options to view your page’s updates.

1) Your Page Name and Others – This view allows you to see your own updates, comments from your fans, and other people’s updates who have posted something on your wall.

2) Your Page – This view allows you to view your updates only, and your comments.

3) Just Others – This view allows you to view all of the updates posted to your Facebook wall by your fans only, not your own updates.

You’ll see them in the picture below, from my personal fan page, right underneath the text box, where you write your updates.

Ashani Mfuko's Facebook Fan Page

You can also change the default settings, and make it so that your page automatically shows all updates made by you and any posts from your fans, by clicking on, edit page, then wall settings.

In yesterday’s post, I recommended using Hootsuite to manage your social media accounts, and schedule your updates. Well, Hootsuite can also help you keep track of and reply to any mentions or re-tweets on your Twitter page. Your @mentions, re-tweets, and direct messages, will all be displayed on your Hootsuite account’s home page. That way, you can easily see who’s engaging you and send them a reply or a thank you in a timely manner.

If you follow the proper social media etiquette, and honor the rules of engagement in social media, not only will people be drawn to your dance studio/brand, but you will also be able to experience the best part of being active in social media….the people!

If you found this article interesting, or have a question of any sort, please leave a comment below. I’d love to hear from you. Feel free to share this article on your social media pages as well, by clicking on the share button below.

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