Social Media Etiquette for Dance Studios – Part 2

Day 78 in our 90-Day Social Media Success Challenge for Dance Studios…

In Part 1 of this social media etiquette mini-series, I shared with you why it’s imperative to send a personal message or introduction with your friend requests on Facebook and Linkedin. Today, for part 2, I will give you another important aspect of social media etiquette for dance studios.

Social Media Etiquette Rule #2

Do not only post updates promoting your dance studio’s classes, performances, students, etc.

Now you may think this is counter-intuitive. But in fact, it’s not.

Should you be sharing information about your dance studio’s classes, students, performances, competitions, etc. on social media?


Should that be 100% of all of your social media updates?

Absolutely not!

Establishing a social media presence for your dance studio isn’t just about promoting your dance studio. It’s about building stronger relationships with your current customers, establishing relationships with new customers, building your dance studio’s reputation online, and remaining relevant over time. In order to accomplish all of that, you can’t just post updates about your newest dance classes, program, or Guest teacher, you have to be a lot more interactive. Time to get creative.

1) Build Stronger Relationships with Your Current Customers – There is something so cool about being able to stay up-to-date with what’s happening in people’s lives, without even talking to them or seeing them. It almost makes it even better when you do see them, because you feel like you’ve been going along for the ride all this time, and experiencing their life’s happenings right along with them. So, don’t just post updates. Comment on other people’s updates. Connect with the parents and students at your studio through social media. If you see they had a bad day, offer an encouraging word. Someone in their family have a baby or get married? Offer a congratulations. Someone go on vacation? Ask them how was their trip, and comment on some of their photos. Share in their experiences, and strengthen those relationships.

2) Establish Relationships with New Customers – One of the wonderful things about social media is the easy accessibility you have to connect with new people. People who may in fact be your target market. How you make that first impression is very important. Additionally, how you develop your relationship online with a new potential customer is key. The same rules apply from point #1 above. Just be normal. Be yourself. Treat them like a friend of a friend that you just met, and let them, in their own way and in their own time, develop an interest in you naturally. As you have these pleasant interactions with them online, through social media, they may decide that they’d like to enroll their child in a class at your dance studio. Or better yet, they may recommend your dance studio to a friend, simply based on the common, yet pleasant interaction that they’ve had with you via social media. So, take the time to nurture your new online relationships.

3) Build Your Dance Studio’s Reputation Online – How would you describe the image of your dance studio? How would your students describe your dance studio? How do the parents describe your dance studio to their friends and family? Take the vision, mission, and reputation of your studio, and make it real, online, because there’s a good chance that, that’s where a lot of your new, potential customers will find you. If your studio is fantastic, doing awesome work in the community, winning competitions, changing the lives of your students for the better, etc., but in order to know this, people have to physically be at your studio, that’s a problem. Social media offers you an opportunity to share with the world the uniqueness and vision of your studio, simply by the information you post online, and your interactions with other people online. Don’t be a fool and think that people don’t get a feel for your dance studio’s image through social media. You’d be surprised how much one can learn just by visiting a particular dance studio’s Facebook or Youtube page. So take note of that, and start using social media as a virtual extension of your dance studio’s reputation and image in the physical world.

4) Remain Relevant Over Time – Have you ever watched those makeover shows on tv, where they have a person that is stuck in a particular clothing style from one or two decades ago? Isn’t it a little sad to watch? They’re usually attractive and intelligent people, who, at least on the exterior, haven’t quite been able to remain relevant in the current times. They stopped evolving at some point, and just decided to stay where they were comfortable, and stick to what worked so well for them in the past. Don’t let this happen to your dance studio. As a business owner, it is your responsibility to adapt to the changes in the marketplace, in technology, as well as in the dance industry. You should be talking about what’s going on in the world around us, and definitely what’s happening in the dance/performing arts industry. Show that you are relevant, and aware of current events and trends. This can be easily done by sharing other people’s posts/updates on social media, and can also be great conversation starters.

If you’ve made the mistake of only posting info about your dance studio on your social media pages, it’s ok. Start fresh today, right now, and watch how  your social media interactions and relationships will benefit in the days to come.

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