Following the Rules of Social Media for Dance Studios

We’re officially half-way through our 90-Day Social Media Success Challenge for Dance Studios, and I know that many of you are really on your way to being successful in social media marketing for your dance studio, which is really wonderful. Today I’d like to address the importance of following the rules of social media for your dance studio.

I recently shared some links to my blog on a Linkedin discussion board, for a particular group that I am a part of. The people in this group are just like me, dance professionals, writers, and bloggers, so I figured they would definitely be interested in some of the articles that I am writing. Looking at my blog stats, I noticed that a lot of people were coming to my blog from Linkedin, so I thought this was a good idea, and would offer some interesting discussion topics.

Then one of the group members very kindly reminded me that the group discussion board was not the place to post links to your blog posts, and guess what? They were right. This is very important, so please read very carefully.

Each different social media community has a proper way of interacting with others, and a certain level of etiquette that should be respected and taken into consideration while participating in the various social media communities. It’s very important that you are aware of this fact, and act accordingly.

Although social media is a great way to promote your business, and meet people, you also have to be very careful. You don’t want to be looked upon as a spammer, a one-way communicator, an all about self-promotion person, or someone just out to get, and not to give.

Sometimes your zeal, passion, and enthusiasm for your dance studio can be offensive to others, and come off as being very overbearing. People are bombarded with so much information everyday, and so many companies and people trying to sell them something everyday, that it can get to be too much at times. I can totally see where people are coming from. So, it’s important to be aware of this, and really make sure you balance out what your communications are via social media, and be sure to follow the appropriate rules and modes of conduct for different communities. If you don’t, you can end up shutting out some great people, simply because they never had the chance to get to know who you really are.

Always remember that success in social media is an ongoing learning process, and some of the greatest lessons you learn come from trial and error. So, follow the rules, share valuable information, engage in conversations with people, and keep your zeal for your dance studio in check, and you’ll be on your way to social media success!

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