A Fresh Start For Dancers: What Will You Do With It?


This past Monday, on our weekly #LetsTalkDance Tweetchat, the topic was “New Season, New Beginnings”. We discussed all of the various things that we’re looking forward to this Fall, and also reflected on how far we’ve come over the past year.

September always marks a time for a fresh start, and a new beginning, whether you’re a student, a teacher, parent, or not.  Below are the questions that I asked our wonderful, international community of dancers that participate in our chat every week:

Q1: What NEW things will you be starting/exploring this Fall that you haven’t done yet this year?

Q2: What is/will be the biggest difference in your life this Fall 2012 compared to Fall 2011?

Q3: What are some of your favorite things about Fall/ Back-To-School/New Beginnings?

Q4: Fill in the blank- “This Fall, I am definitely going to ________________.”

If you weren’t able to participate in our chat this week, take a moment to answer these questions now, in the comments section below. Sometimes we forget to stop and reflect on how far we’ve come, and set specific goals for ourselves to ensure that we’re not just repeating the same actions, year after year. If you’re anything like me, when you look at what you were doing a year ago, then look at where you are now, you see some significant progress. This is something worth celebrating!

It wasn’t until we were discussing this topic on our Tweetchat that I realized that:

1) I’ve been hosting the #LetsTalkDance Tweetchat for two years (in Sept. 2012)! It started out with me essentially chatting with myself lol, and now it’s grown so big that it’s usually a Top trending Topic on Twitter on Monday nights!

2) This time last year, I was still taking my television production classes, praying to get certified so that I might produce my own tv show, and this September, our new dance tv show, “Inside New York City Dance” is a weekly tv series, on Friday nights at 10:30 pm on MNN, beginning on Sept. 28, 2012!

I say all of this to encourage you. Don’t focus so much on how far you still have to go, focus on how far you’ve come, and remember that the little victories are actually what help you reach your goals and live the life of your dreams.

Make this Fall better than last year! Try some thing new, different, scary, or outrageous. Change your inner dialogue, and the story that you tell yourself about your life, your family, your career, your business, and your future.  Think positive, push yourself outside of your comfort zone, and do those things that you never thought you could do!

Today you have a fresh start. What will you do with it?

Leave a comment below, and share your answers to the questions listed above. Oh, and don’t forget to share this post on Facebook and Twitter if you found it helpful or motivating.

Join our #LetsTalkDance Tweetchat on Twitter every Monday night, 10-11 pm EST, and connect with dancers on Twitter, from all over the world! 
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